Economic Affairs

Economic Affairs (Vol 33.3)



Poorest hit hardest by consumption taxes, new research shows

Economic Theory

An introduction to the core principles that define a free society
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  • Introduction (page 287) by J.R. Shackleton

  • Secession in the European Union (pages 288-302) by Roland Vaubel

  • Credit Default Swaps: Risk Hedge or Financial Weapon of Mass Destruction?(pages 303–311) by Shalendra D. Sharma

  • The Return Of Centralised Energy Planning (pages 312–326) by Colin Robinson

  • The UK and the Eurozone: Sovereign Debt Management and Monetary Policy(pages 327–333) by G. R. Steele

  • The Scottish Enlightenment and Scottish Independence (pages 334–347) by Craig Smith

  • Separating the Wheat from the Chaff: Icelandic and Irish Policy Responses to the Banking Crisis (pages 348–360) by David Howden

  • The Effectiveness of Delhi’s Fire Safety Regulation Amidst Poverty, Ignorance, Corruption and Non-Compliance (pages 361–378) by John M. Cobin

  • Discussion: Central Bank Independence: A Victim of the Crisis? (pages 379–385) by Forrest Capie and Geoffrey Wood

  • Discussion: The Post-Communist Transition Should Not Be Misinterpreted (pages 386–388) by Václav Klaus

  • Rejoinder (pages 389–390) by Dalibor Roháč

  • Review article: What Money Can Buy: Michael Sandel’s Intuitions of Injustice and Inferiority (pages 391–399) by Elaine Sternberg

  • Book Reviews (pages 400-408)

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