Economic Affairs

Economic Affairs (Vol 38.1)



Remaining in a customs union could be backdoor to keeping many obligations of the Single Market


IEA Brexit Unit releases report on US UK trade deal

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Introduction (page 1)

  • Central Banking after the Great Recession (pages 2–15) by Charles Bean

  • Comment: Ed Balls (pages 16–21)

  • Do Liberalising Reforms Harm the Environment? Evidence from the Post-Communist Transition (pages 22–37) by Christian Bjørnskov

  • Thomas Hodgskin, Rational Optimist (pages 38–57) by Alberto Mingardi

  • Rebalancing and Regional Economic Performance: Northern Ireland in A Nordic Mirror (pages 58–73) by Graham Brownlow and Esmond Birnie

  • Why We Should Change Our Attitude Towards Distressed Firms (pages 74–87) by Nicos Zafiris

  • Paternalism, Nudging and Liberty (pages 88–95) by Christopher Snowdon

  • Why Does the Negotiable Certificate of Deposit Matter for Chinese Banking? (pages 96–105) by Kerry Liu

  • Does Targeted Monetary Policy Matter? A Perspective from China (pages 106–124) by Wenzhe Li

  • Discussions: CEO Remuneration: Tangled Top Pay? (pages 125–130) by Damian Carnell

  • The Challenges for Central Banks (pages 131–138) by Gabriel Stein

  • Frank Decker On Unstable Free Banking And The Stable Competitive Issue Of Irredeemable Currency: Comment (pages 139–140) by Kevin Dowd

  • Rejoinder (pages 141–142) by Frank Decker

  • Review Article: India’s Passage to Prosperity: The Long Journey (pages 143–156) by Shobhana Madhavan

  • Book Reviews: Architect of Prosperity: Sir John Cowperthwaite and the Making of Hong Kong by Neil Monnery (pages 158–159)by J. R. Shackleton

  • Version of Record online: 8 FEB 2018 | DOI: 10.1111/ecaf.12278

  • What We Owe: Truths, Myths, and Lies about Public Debt By Carlo Cottarelli (pages 160–161) by Julian Jessop

  • Economics for the Common Good by Jean Tirole (pages 161–162) by Diego Zuluaga

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