
2009 Index of Economic Freedom


Government and Institutions

Liberalisation and political reform are needed in the poorest parts of the EU

Monetary Policy

The fifteenth edition of the Heritage Foundation's popular survey of economic liberty

Should the recent world economic crisis spell the end for free-market capitalism, as many claim? The 2009 Index of Economic Freedom offers strong evidence to the contrary. Economic freedom continues to provide the surest path to prosperity.

This 15th anniversary edition of the Index finds economic freedom still on the march, with top performers in every region of the world.

There are compelling stories told here: tales of political courage and conviction and the struggles by countries to liberate themselves from the shackles of socialism. Those that have joined the ranks of the economically free have reaped enormous rewards. By contrast, countries that have relinquished economic freedom lag in every indicator of human well-being.

2009, Published by the Heritage Foundation in association with the IEA

ISBN 978 089 195280 0, 452pp, PB

See Also:

2008 Index of Economic Freedom by Kim R Holmes, Edwin J Feulner and Mary Anastasia O’Grady

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