F.A Hayek.

Friedrich August von Hayek was an Austrian-born economist who is widely recognised for his influence on the development of the field of economics. A veteran of World War I, he received doctoral degrees in law and political science from the University of Vienna in 1921 and 1923, respectively. Several of Hayek’s books, including The Road to Serfdom (1944) and The Constitution of Liberty (1960), remain some of the most influential works among modern liberals and indeed in the field of economics as a whole. In the former, Hayek argued that collectivism inevitably leads to tyranny because power is passed from the individual to the state. He is considered to be among the leading theorists of the Austrian School of Economics, and alongside his reception of the Nobel Prize in 1974, he was appointed a Companion of Honour by Her Majesty the Queen on the advice of Margaret Thatcher and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President George H.W. Bush.

The Confusion of Language in Political Thought (1968)

A Tiger by the Tail (1972)

The Repercussions of Rent Restrictions (1972)

Economic Freedom and Representative Government (1973)

Inflation: The Path to Unemployment (1974)

Full Employment at any Price? (1975)

Denationalisation of Money (1976)

Choice in Currency: A Way to Stop Inflation (1976)

Will the Democratic Ideal Prevail? (1978)

Trade Unions – The Biggest Obstacle (1980)

1980s Unemployment and the Unions (1984)

Market Standards for Money (1986)

The Road to Serfdom and Intellectuals and Society (2005)