Panel Discussion: The Problems Facing the NHS

What is the future of the NHS? As part of our Paragon Initiative, the IEA hosted a panel discussion to look at:

  • The NHS’ ability to adapt to an ageing population with different health needs (and the funding implications of this)

  • Relatively poor outcomes compared to other developed western countries

  • Increasing politicisation of the NHS

Panellists include:

  • James Bartholomew, Author of The Welfare of Nations

  • Lord Bichard KCB, Chair, Social Care Institute For Excellence

  • Ryan Bourne, Head of Public Policy, IEA (chair)

  • Emily Crawford, Research Associate, Respublica; Author of The Care Collapse: The imminent crisis in residential care and its impact on the NHS

  • Dr Kristian Niemietz, Head of Health and Welfare, IEA