
What Britain can learn from low-tax Poland


Government and Institutions

Christopher Snowdon's research quoted in The Express

In the Media

Kristian Niemietz writes in CapX

Harrison Griffiths writes in City AM

What Britain can learn from low-tax Poland

IEA Communications Officer Harrison Griffiths has written in City AM on whether Poland’s lower tax rates can provide a blueprint for pro-growth policies in Britain.

Harrison wrote:

“Last week, Labour leader Keir Starmer warned that Poland is set to overtake the UK’s economic growth by the end of the decade. This claim isn’t just scaremongering. Since 2010, Poland’s economic growth has averaged 3.6 per cent per year compared to the UK’s measly 0.5 per cent. If this trend continues, the average Pole will be £500 richer than their British counterpart by 2030.

“Likewise, the Labour leader led the chorus of criticism for reducing the top rate of income tax to 40 per cent last year. If he thought that proposal was radical, Poland’s 32 per cent top rate might blow his socks off. Although Starmer supported reducing the basic rate of tax by 1 per cent to 19 per cent, that is still a far cry from Poland’s 12 per cent rate on income below 120,000 Zloty (£22,400).”

Read Harrison’s full piece here.

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