We should be optimistic about the future of UK high streets


In the Media

Christopher Snowdon writes for The Spectator

In the Media

Annabel Denham appears on Sky News The View

Annabel Denham writes for The Spectator

IEA Director of Communications Annabel Denham argues there is still hope for UK high streets in an op-ed for The Spectator. Annabel argues that although social distancing and lingering Covid restrictions will make shopping less enjoyable than before, “moderate relaxation of covid restrictions has been greeted with duteous gratitude, there is no reason to believe that our attitudes or behaviour have irrevocably changed“.

Similarly, some households have accumulated savings during lockdown, meaning “those who have been fortunate enough to spend lockdown saving money won’t hang on to that cash for long“.

Annabel argues that bricks and motor retailers need innovate polices to foster a high street recovery. For example, business rates should be reformed and  Permitted Development Rights protected.

Read the full article here.

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