
We already have a word for ‘degrowth’



Prof. Len Shackleton writes for The Spectator

Christopher Snowdon writes for The Critic

IEA Head of Lifestyle Economics Christopher Snowdon has criticised the economics of the anti-GDP ‘degrowth’ movement in The Critic.

Christopher wrote:

“The anti-GDP movement rests on several mistaken beliefs, such as the peculiar idea that the British government is gripped by an urge to grow the economy at all costs. If this were remotely true, it would have repealed the Town and Country Planning Act and it would not be attempting to deindustrialise the entire economy,

“Economists already have a word for degrowth. That word is ‘recession’ and it is something we try to avoid because it makes people poor and miserable and creates unrest.”

Read Christopher’s full piece here.

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