Energy and Environment

Using failing French technology will blight Johnson’s energy dream



Kristian Niemietz is quoted in The Times

In the Media

IEA research quoted in The Telegraph

Andy Mayer quoted in the Daily Express

An article by IEA Chief Operating Officer and Energy Analyst Andy Mayer has been quoted in a Daily Express article highlighting the pitfalls of relying on EDF technology to deliver energy security.

The article covers various objections to Johnson’s plans, including Andy’s view that nuclear is “in practice, is always over-budget and overdue.”

The article then outlines how relying on EDF may exacerbate those costs. Quoting Andy, the article reads:

“Both are based on the failed technology of EDF, a French company managing a corroding fleet of old stations, over half of which are offline, and new stations so flawed that nobody outside Britain wants to buy them.

“They’re bankrupt, being nationalised, and suing the French government. That is the model Boris wants us to copy.”

The full article can be read here.

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