Society and Culture

UK must try to escape “Crisis of Bad Vibes”


In the Media
In the Media

Matthew Lesh writes in City AM

IEA Head of Public Policy Matthew Lesh has written in City AM arguing that the UK’s gloomy economic outlook has triggered a ‘Crisis of Bad Vibes’.

Matthew wrote:

“It’s not just that the statistics are flashing red – inflation has skyrocketed and economic growth is anaemic – but there’s even more below the surface. We’re facing a Crisis of Bad Vibes. This crisis may partly be a response to the objective facts before us, but it risks sinking us further and creating a doom spiral.

“We experience this reality every day. We wake up in the morning only to wonder whether the train will be overcrowded, delayed or cancelled. We read news stories about the avalanche of teachers, ambulance staff, nurses and firefighters on strike.

“There isn’t a simple solution to the Crisis of Bad Vibes. No magic switch can change everyone’s mood.

“But building prosperity could take something different: hope. Politics has a role to play, in fixing the issues plaguing our lives, but this won’t just come top-down. We need to once again, somehow, find a way to believe our lives are on an upward trajectory.”

Matthew’s full article can be read here.

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