UK is justified in taking unilateral action over Northern Ireland Protocol

IEA research discussed on

New IEA research, authored by Victoria Hewson, on the impact of the Northern Ireland Protocol on Northern Ireland’s economy and trade and the terms of the Good Friday Agreement, has been discussed on

The paper argues that the threat posed to the institutions of the Good Friday Agreement by the Protocol, which it was designed to protect, warrants the UK taking unilateral action to deal with the Protocol.

Victoria also highlights the immense economic cost the Protocol is having on Northern Ireland, pointing out that it is costing £850 million per annum to maintain.

“The cost of the Protocol to NI has been estimated at £850m per year. This includes £360m establishing and operating the Trade Support Service in its first two years, a further £150m on digital agri-food certification and tens of millions more in related funding to the NI Executive.”

Read the full article here.

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