
UK-EU Regulatory Alignment Spells Danger

Matthew Lesh quoted in The Sunday Express

IEA Director of Public Policy and Communications Matthew Lesh has been quoted in The Sunday Express responding to reports that the new government will legislate for alignment with the European Union on product safety regulations.

The piece said:

Matthew Lesh, of the Institute of Economic Affairs, voiced concerns about the ‘surprise’ Bill.

“He said ‘mirroring’ EU product standards ‘may be entirely sensible in some cases’ but warned in others this ‘could see the UK become a rule -taker, following regulations we have no say about creating with limited to no public debate’.

“Mr Lesh added : ‘It could mean, for example, not allowing people to have stronger vacuum cleaners and dishwashers’.”

Read the full piece in The Sunday Express (21/07/2024, pp.1,4 & 5).

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