Lifestyle Economics

Tobacco prohibition may just be the beginning


In the Media

IEA research referenced in The Spectator


Kristian Niemietz writes for CapX

Government and Institutions

Christopher Snowdon writes for The Telegraph

IEA Head of Lifestyle Economics Christopher Snowdon has written in The Daily Telegraph warning that the government’s long-term goal of cigarette prohibition may open the door for similar restrictions on alcohol or sugar.

Christopher wrote:

“The nanny state is an insatiable beast. It cannot be appeased, and it is not just smokers who should be worried about Sunak crossing the Rubicon. Vapers are now an obvious target, of course, but drinkers should also be vigilant. By making the unthinkable suddenly possible, Sunak has given hope to every brand of fanatic. After the tobacco ban was announced, the Health Foundation said that the Government ‘should learn from tobacco policy and take bolder steps to prevent poor health from other leading risk factors such as alcohol and junk food’.”

Read Christopher’s full piece here.

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