Housing and Planning

Tinkering will not solve the housing crisis



Matthew Lesh interviewed by Estonian public broadcaster

In the Media

Matthew Lesh writes in The Telegraph

Matthew Lesh quoted in The i

IEA Director of Public Policy and Communications Matthew Lesh has been quoted in The i responding to the government’s latest planning policy announcement.

The new policy includes more accountability for local authorities who miss housing targets, an expedited national planning process, and 150,000 new homes in Cambridge; but did not address key obstacles like environmental red tape, the power of local objections, or the Green Belt.

The article said:

“The Institute for Economic Affairs said welcomed the ‘tougher action’ on councils that block developments, but warned the announcements ‘largely tinker around the margins rather than fix a broken system’.”

Read the full article here.

Matthew was also quoted in Estate Agent Today and you can read his full comment here.

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