
Time for Change, Not More of the Same


Fraud Focus: Is the Is the Serious Fraud Office fit for purpose? by James Forder
Government and Institutions

IEA research referenced in The Law Society Gazette

In the Media

IEA research quoted in Interactive Investor

Matthew Lesh writes for City AM

IEA Director of Public Policy and Communications Matthew Lesh has written for City AM highlighting the difficulty the Labour Party faces to balance its mandates for change and stability in government.

Matthew wrote:

“This is Labour’s argument, oft-heard during the campaign, that many of Britain’s problems can be solved simply by changing the people at the top. At best, the line goes, the Tories were incompetent. At worst, they are corrupt and malicious. This instability scared away investors. Now, with new ministers in charge, this can all change.

“But is stability enough?

“Not too long ago, Rishi Sunak and Jeremy Hunt entered Downing Street promising precisely the same.

“Trying to manage the state machinery better than their predecessors was not politically inspiring, nor did it solve Britain’s manifold challenges. You could say they didn’t have enough time, but they didn’t really try. There were no major proposals to reform the tax system, fix the broken NHS model, or deal with the red tape strangling Britain’s businesses.”

Read Matthew’s full piece in City AM (11/07/2024, p.16).

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