Tax and Fiscal Policy

There’s no alternative to growth

Matthew Lesh writes in City AM

IEA Head of Public Policy Matthew Lesh has written in City AM arguing that there is no alternative to the government’s pro-growth outlook.

Outlining the scale of Britain’s economic decline, Matthew wrote:

“The United Kingdom has stagnated for the last decade, with productivity growing at the slowest rate since the Industrial Revolution. The country is about one-fifth poorer than Germany and one-third than the United States, on a per capita basis.”

Matthew then emphasised the need for Liz Truss to deliver her bold programme for reform:

“The challenge ahead is to match the vision for growth with forthright action — to deliver tax reform, spending restraint and regulatory reform. This will undoubtedly face immense opposition from vested interests. It will be necessary to pick the right battles, focusing on issues like planning reform that can deliver the most benefit.”

The full article can be read here.

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