Energy and Environment

The unintended outcomes of suspending forced prepayment meters


In the Media

Prof. Len Shackleton quoted in i News

In the Media

Matthew Lesh writes in The Spectator

Andy Mayer quoted in City AM

IEA Chief Operating Officer and Energy Analyst Andy Mayer was quoted in City AM arguing that proposals to ban the forced installation of prepayment meters may have unintended consequences for low income energy customers.

Andy said:

“Putting up the cost of serving vulnerable customers with expensive interventions, however well intended, risks suppliers avoiding such customers, as to take them on in larger numbers than rivals renders them uncompetitive.

“This in turn will compel the government to create either a social supplier of last resort, or subsidise social tariffs, which will spread the risk, but encourage welfare fraud to avoid higher bills.”

Read the full article here.

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