
The triple lock to insulate wealthy pensioners this winter as working families struggle


In the Media

Chris Snowdon quoted in The Daily Mirror

In the Media

Julian Jessop writes for The Daily Express

Government and Institutions

Len Shackleton quoted in YourMoney.com

IEA Editorial and Research Fellow Professor Len Shackleton has been quoted in response to news that state pensioners could receive a double-digit pay increase next spring due to inflation.

The article in YourMoney.com details how the inflation guarantee in the triple lock will impact state pensions before quoting Len in opposition to its reinstatement.

Len said: “It may be difficult politically to renege on the triple lock again, but we should bear in mind that pensioners as a group are less likely to be in poverty than, say, families with young children. Support for struggling households could be better targeted than giving all pensioners, many of whom are relatively well-off, a big increase.”

The full article can be read here.

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