Housing and Planning

The Renters’ Reform Bill is a distraction from low housing supply


In the Media

Julian Jessop quoted in WIREDGOV, the Times, and the Financial Times

Press Release
Government and Institutions

Kristian Niemietz writes for the Spectator

IEA Head of Political Economy Kristian Niemietz has written in the Spectator discussing why the Renters’ Reform Bill will not help the housing crisis, and what its unintended consequences might be.

Kristian wrote:

“It fails to tackle the main cause of our housing woes: a lack of supply. The Renters’ Reform Bill aims to improve tenant security in the private rental sector by scrapping no-fault evictions, but it won’t solve Britain’s housing crisis. Regulation begets more regulation, bureaucracy begets more bureaucracy.  

“In effect, this would mark the end of fixed-term rental contracts. Tenancy agreements may still have a notional end date, but it will be largely meaningless, because nothing happens on that date.”

Read Kristian’s full piece here.

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