Lifestyle Economics

Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good



Matthew Lesh quoted by the Daily Express

In the Media

Economic Affairs article featured in Swedish media

Mark Littlewood writes for The Times

IEA Director General Mark Littlewood has written in The Times criticising the proposed ban on disposable vapes.

Mark wrote:

“Figures from 2021 suggest that 22 per cent of secondary school pupils have tried an e-cigarette. This is no higher than it was in 2014 but regular use among this cohort seems to be accelerating. Indeed it has more than doubled from 4 per cent to 9 per cent over the same period. Sales are supposedly prohibited to under-18s, so this seems alarming.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to compare these statistics to a counterfactual. How many of these kids would be puffing away on traditional cigarettes, as was quite common in the 1980s when I was at school, if they were not vaping? Although one gets into very small sample sizes, it seems that only 1 per cent of regular secondary-school e-cigarette users have never smoked an old-style cigarette, equating to 0.09 per cent of that population.”

Read the full piece here.

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