Housing and Planning

The housing crisis drags on


In the Media

Matthew Lesh writes for CapX

In the Media

Mark Littlewood writes in The Times

Kristian Niemietz writes for CapX

IEA Head of Political Economy Kristian Niemietz has written for CapX, reviewing No Room! No Room! The Costs of the British Town and Country Planning System by Prof Alan Evans. Published by the IEA in 1988, many of the housing policy failures highlighted in the paper remain true today.

Kristian wrote:

“The fact that someone could see this problem so clearly 35 years ago makes it all the more depressing that we’re still not one step closer to solving it.”

Read Kristian’s full piece here.

You can also read the review on the IEA Blog.

You can read a copy of No Room! No Room! here.

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