Tax and Fiscal Policy

The government’s Levelling Up proposals could ‘damage the success story of the Oxford-Cambridge corridor’, warns IEA researcher


In the Media

Len Shackleton comments for The Telegraph

Energy and Environment

Andy Mayer comments for City AM

Len Shackleton comments for Conservative Home

Len Shackleton, IEA Editorial and Research Fellow, has commented on the proposals found in this week’s Levelling Up White Paper.

Len argued that:

“The intention to spread government R&D around the country could damage the success story of the Oxford-Cambridge corridor, which is currently an international attractor.”

“The requirement to add ‘spatial analysis’ to all new policy proposals, in the same way as the impact on women, on minorities and on the environment has to be taken into account, will lengthen official documents but probably achieve little else.”

“This programme could have been written by any political party. There is nothing here about encouraging private business by cutting taxes and regulation – which is the only way forward to promote growth and prosperity across the country as a whole.”

Read the full article here.

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