The Climate Change Committee is no longer just an advisory body
Len Shackleton comments for City AM
Annabel Denham writes for The Telegraph
Annabel highlights a number of areas in which the CCC now pulls weight and argues that the advisory body is now “acting like an eco-activist NGO”.
“In the 13 years since the CCC was established, its scope has expanded enormously to include ever-increasing areas of the economy and our way of life. This latest briefing, for instance, makes pronouncements on foreign aid, insisting we should “restore the commitment to spend 0.7 per cent of GDP”.”
“The report also takes a view on our diets, seeking to cut meat and dairy consumption by reducing demand not just to reduce emissions or pressure on land for deforestation, but also to benefit “public health”. It was F A Hayek who wrote that “the greatest danger to liberty today comes from the efficient expert administrators exclusively concerned with what they regard as the public good”.”
Read the full article.