Tax and Fiscal Policy

The Chancellor’s ‘tax epiphany’



Christopher Snowdon quoted in The Mail

In the Media

Christopher Snowdon quoted in The Mail

Matthew Lesh writes in The Express

IEA Director of Public Policy and Communications Matthew Lesh has written in The Daily Express discussing Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s comment that “I believe fundamentally that low-tax economies are more dynamic, more competitive and generate more money for public services like the NHS,” at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Matthew wrote:

“The Chancellor is entirely correct – high taxes discourage investment, undermine innovation, and stifle economic growth.

“Britain has several particularly burdensome taxes that should be the focus of any cuts. Stamp duty gums up the housing market.

“Income tax thresholds that ratchet up discourage people from working longer and harder. The higher corporate tax rate scares away investment.”

Read Matthew’s full piece here or in The Daily Express (20/01/2024, p.10)

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