Tax and Fiscal Policy

Taxing wealth stifles growth


In the Media

Matthew Lesh writes in City AM

Matthew Lesh appears on LBC

IEA Director of Public Policy and Communications Matthew Lesh has appeared on LBC to discuss proposals to cut or abolish the inheritance tax.

Matthew said:

“I think people should be able to gather far more wealth in their lifetimes, I think the way our planning system is set up to destroy peoples’ ability to get on the housing ladder is hugely problematic, I think the fact that we haven’t had any income growth for the last decade is a huge problem; but you don’t solve that by taxing inheritances, you actually need to build a strong underlying economy,

“Taxing inheritances can have unintended economic consequences along the way or taxing wealth for that matter…the way to destroy wealth and destroy prosperity is to overtax it, and inheritance tax is part of that problem.”

Watch Matthew’s appearance here.

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