Lifestyle Economics

Taxing red meat is the next battleground for the nanny state



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Labour Market

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Government and Institutions

The IEA reacts to the proposed 'sin tax' on red meat

Responding to the suggestion that a ‘sin tax’ should be levied on red and processed meat, Christopher Snowdon, Head of Lifestyle Economics at the Institute of Economic Affairs said:

“This is the same combination of junk science and dodgy economics that led to the sugar tax. An unholy alliance of ‘public health’ campaigners, environmentalists and vegetarians will be working night and day to make this happen.

“It would be absurd to raise the cost of living again with a meat tax, but this government has done it before, and may very well do it again. Taxing food is the next battleground for the nanny state. All the major political parties need to assure the public that it will never happen on their watch.”

Notes to editors:

For media enquiries please contact Nerissa Chesterfield, Head of 020 7799 8920 or 07791 390 268

For IEA research on the sugar tax please click 

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