Energy and Environment

Sunak’s Net Zero rebalance is welcome, but more to be done



Alexander Hammond quoted in City AM

Monetary Policy
Commenting on Rishi Sunak’s Net Zero speech, Andy Mayer, Energy Analyst at the free market think tank, the Institute of Economic Affairs, said:

“Sunak’s Net Zero rebalance is a welcome step. Government policies like petrol and diesel car and gas boiler bans, have gone too far in hurting families and businesses for minimal environmental gain. Delaying these measures, ruling out costly new policies like a ‘meat tax,’ and speeding up planning for nationally significant projects are entirely sensible steps.

“Now Sunak must go further by abandoning the legally binding Net Zero target and ending costly subsidies for unproven ‘green’ technology. The solution to climate change is innovation and investment. This can be achieved by introducing carbon pricing, limiting regulatory interference and further removing planning barriers to deploying green technologies.”


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