
Sunak’s maths plan doesn’t add up


Energy and Environment

Christopher Snowdon writes in Spiked!

Matthew Lesh quoted in City AM, The Guardian, and Reaction

IEA Director of Public Policy and Communications Matthew Lesh has been quoted in a variety of outlets responding to proposals to mandate maths education for students up to 18.

In The Guardian, Matthew was quoted:

“Extending compulsory maths education is no silver bullet for economic growth. The Soviet Union was world-renowned for maths and science instruction but that failed to translate into a strong economy.”

City AM wrote:

“Matthew Lesh, from the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), warned against ‘forcing disinterested students’ into balancing quadratic equations.

“‘Extending compulsory maths education is no silver bullet for economic growth,’ he said. ‘The UK has some of the top universities in the world yet has experienced stagnant growth for the last decade. 

“‘Prosperity requires creating the right institutional environment for entrepreneurship, not dictating curriculums from the top.'”

Blog site Semizdata said:

“Lesh’s point, however, is certainly worth focusing on. Being good at certain subjects and having knowledge about subjects is not the same as having a flourishing economy, particularly if one has oppressively high taxes, heavy regulations, spending on flashy projects such as HS2 that crowd out private investment.”

You can read pieces quoting Matthew in City AM, The Guardian, Reaction, Yahoo!, and Semizdata.

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