Labour Market

Strike action quickly becoming dangerous


Energy and Environment

Andy Mayer quoted by the Telegraph

Len Shackleton writes for the Telegraph

IEA Editorial and Research Fellow Len Shackleton has written for the Telegraph on how to mitigate the damages caused by disruptive public sector strikes.

Len wrote:

“The news that junior doctors and consultants are to join forces in strike action, timed to coincide with the Conservative Party’s annual conference, is a further escalation of disputes which have been going on for over a year.

“For years now, the vast majority of strikes and days lost have been in the public sector, where those who ultimately pay for settlements have no alternative suppliers. This strike action is deliberately aimed at punishing ordinary people, in the hope this will lead them to turn on the government.

“If we are to face repeated action of the kind we will be suffering in the next few weeks, perhaps we should start to look at banning extended public sector strikes, starting in the health service where the damage is greatest.”

You can read the full article here.

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