Solving the UK’s energy crisis starts at home



Matthew Lesh comments for City AM

Society and Culture

Andy Mayer writes for The Express

Andy Mayer, IEA Energy Analyst, has written for The Express on the need for the government to rethink its strategy to combat rising costs.

Andy argues that thus far, the government, by imposing windfall taxes and adhering to NIMBYism, has hindered the domestic production of oil and gas that is needed to lower costs.

“Three applications for new wells this week crossed the desk of the Secretary of State for Levelling Up.”

“Two were rejected, one based on an unattractive fence, the third, after a three-year delay including challenges on loss of amenity to a gypsy camp and disturbance to a wedding barn, was approved.”

“This is profoundly unserious.”

Read the full article here.

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