Lifestyle Economics

Snooker, darts, and rugby league sacrificed on the altar of gambling regulations


In the Media

Christopher Snowdon quoted in The Express and The Daily Star


Matthew Lesh writes in City AM

Christopher Snowdon appears on BBC Radio Ulster

IEA Head of Lifestyle Economics Christopher Snowdon has appeared on BBC Radio Ulster responding to the government’s new gambling white paper which proposes sweeping new regulation of betting.

Discussing proposals to reduce gambling advertising at sporting events, Christopher said:

“A lot of [snooker competitions] these days are sponsored by gambling companies. It’s really rescued snooker after the huge shortfall in revenue suffered after the tobacco advertising ban. I really don’t think there are a whole load of companies lining up to sponsor…snooker, darts, rugby league, and niche sports that heavily rely on gambling sponsorship.

“There’s really no evidence that getting rid of gambling advertising would have an effect on problem gambling – legalising it in the first place didn’t have an effect on problem gambling,”

Listen to Christopher’s full appearance here (1:10:41).

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