Slash trade barriers to make the most of Brexit

Victoria Hewson comments for the Daily Express

Victoria Hewson, IEA Head of Regulatory Affairs, has commented for the Daily Express on the need to scrap non-tariff barriers to trade to make the most of Brexit. From 2023, the EU will no longer recognise UK regulations on goods, however, Victoria argues that regardless of EU co-operation, the UK should unilaterally recognise EU rules.

“There is such a big opportunity for the UK to show leadership here. We are not talking about a free for all where there are no more rules. This would be based on looking closely at the rules in a particular country. We could say, ‘Yes, those rules provide an equivalent level of safety so come in’.”

Read the full article here.

Victoria’s paper on non-tariff barriers to trade can be read for free here:

Changing the rules: A unilateral approach to non-tariff barriers

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