Should the government give unvaccinated people cash incentives?


In the Media

Julian Jessop quoted in City AM

In the Media

Emma Revell writes for CapX

Annabel Denham writes for The Spectator

In an op-ed for The Spectator, IEA Director of Communications, Annabel Denham, criticised the government’s mixed messaging when communicating policy to the public. Although Boris Johnson is right to incentivise the take-up of the vaccine amongst young people, using fast food chain vouchers is a direct contradiction to their ‘war on junk food’ campaign. In addition, guilt tripping the youth into ‘playing their part’ is insensitive to the hardship the young generation has endured since March 2020. Annabel suggested a new strategy to encourage inoculation.

Annabel argued: “why can’t Boris Johnson just show the unvaccinated the money? A cash payment would be simple – hand £100 (for instance) to each person who has been jabbed or gets the vaccine. Give the reward to those who’ve already taken it, to avoid setting the precedent that there’s a benefit to holding out.“.

Read the full article here

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