
Schools froze in the face of low temperatures


In the Media

Julian Jessop quoted in The Express

In the Media

Annabel Denham writes in CapX

IEA Director of Communications Annabel Denham has written in CapX questioning the need for school closures at the first sign of cold weather.

Annabel wrote:

“But while transport disruption and commuter misery may be an inevitable consequence of snowy weather, school closures are harder to comprehend. (…) does a few inches of the white stuff really meet the education department’s criteria of ‘truly exceptional circumstances… when there is no other option’?”

Highlighting the amount of school time already lost during COVID, Annabel said:

“It may only be a day or two, but put it into recent context. This Covid cohort have already lost up to 5% of their entire time in school; they don’t need to lose any more. For all the promises of school recovery plans, shockingly little has been done to help pupils catch up. The idea that Christmas concerts will be scrapped or children forced to wear face coverings due to scarlet fever is a nonsensical as it is cruel.”

Annabel’s full article can be read here.

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