Housing and Planning

Sadiq Khan’s rent control plan “may make supply worse”


Housing and Planning

Dr Kristian Niemietz quoted by the Daily Express


Prof Len Shackleton writes for 1828

Prof Syed Kamall writes for City AM

“As economist Friedrich Hayek said, there will always be gaps in our knowledge when making policy. This is why we should always consider the possible consequences of any decision — both intended and unintended.”

As Sadiq Khan, Labour Mayor of London, reiterates plans to introduce rent controls to the capital, the IEA’s Academic and Research Director Syed Kamall writes for City A.M..

Syed argues that while “imposing rent controls may make the mayor feel better, and arguably improve life for some renters in the short term, it doesn’t solve the lack of supply. In fact, it may make it worse.”

Read the full article here.

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