Tax and Fiscal Policy

Recent history could offer a path out of this crisis


In the Media

IEA open letter to the Chancellor featured in The Times

In the Media

IEA research and open letter featured in the Mail Online

Annabel Denham writes for CapX

IEA Director of Communications Annabel Denham has written an article for CapX  arguing that we should look at what has worked well in the past to get us out the current economic crisis.

Referencing the new IEA briefing paper, The Chancellor’s Post-Pandemic Choicesauthored by our Chairman Neil Record, Annabel writes: “As we seek to claw our way out of the Covid-induced economic black hole, a little nostalgia could go a long way”. 

The report states that the UK economy performed well between 1993-2003  when “the UK had a simple tax system with relatively low top marginal rates of income tax”.  Annabel believes the Chancellor should listen to the evidence when considering the best way to solve the economic crisis.

Read the piece in full here.


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