
Returning to stability must not mean reverting to the status quo

Emily Carver writes in Conservative Home

IEA Head of Media Emily Carver has written for Conservative Home arguing that the new Prime Minister still faces many of the same challenges highlighted by his predecessor, Liz Truss.

Emily wrote:

“Despite the challenging circumstances, and the desire to steady the ship, it would be wrong for the new Prime Minister to reject his predecessor’s growth strategy wholesale.

The core argument that Truss made, that economic growth has been neglected and needs to be prioritised, is the right one. The argument that Britain has to break out of its failures with supply-side reform to boost growth is also correct.”

Conceding that tax cuts may be off the table in the short-term, Emily argued that the Prime Minister could still undertake pro-growth reforms:

“Sunak claims to be a free marketeer, and he could still make sound decisions when it comes to getting Britain moving. There are so many areas – from planning to energy – where regulatory burdens are holding back our economy, suppressing productivity and labour mobility as well as research and development, in addition to compromising our energy security.”

The full article can be read here.


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