Housing and Planning

Rent control in Scotland another ‘abject failure’


In the Media

IEA research featured in The Telegraph

Matthew Lesh quoted in The Express

IEA Director of Public Policy and Communications Matthew Lesh has been quoted in The Daily Express criticising the Scottish government’s rent control policies, amid news that rents have continued to rise.

Matthew said:

“Rent control has been proven an abject failure every time in every place it has been tried. Scotland is no exception.

“It’s unsurprising that landlords are continuing to put up rents between tenancies, and in fact it is likely that landlords are kicking out tenants to do so.

“If Scotland goes further with rent controls by applying it to new tenants, the result will be a worsening of Scotland’s rental crisis, as properties are pulled off the market and fewer are built in future.”

Read the full article here.

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