Economic Theory

Read Ludwig von Mises


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IEA Research Referenced in The Times

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Christopher Snowdon quoted in The Mail

Kristian Niemietz writes for CapX

IEA Editorial Director Kristian Niemietz has written for CapX discussing Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) martial artist Renato Moicano’s recent call for people to read ‘Ludwig von Mises and the six lessons of the Austrian Economic School’.

Kristian wrote:

“Wise words! The Austrian School of Economics, which emerged in Vienna in the 1870s, was one of the world’s leading schools of economic thought in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and while they have since somewhat fallen out of favour, we still have a lot to learn from them today. I am not quite sure what Mr Moicano means by ‘the six lessons’ (there is some speculation that he was referring to the book ‘Economic Policy: Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow’ published by the Mises Institute, which is composed of six lectures), but either way: in this article, I will single out six important insights that we owe to the Austrian School.”

Read Kristian’s full piece here.

You can also read a longer version of Kristian’s explainer on the IEA Blog.

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