
Public finance data leaves room for tax cuts


In the Media

Julian Jessop quoted in The Daily Express and Guido Fawkes

Government and Institutions
Commenting on today’s ONS public sector finances figures, Julian Jessop, Economics Fellow at free market think tank the Institute of Economic Affairs, said:

“Public finances are in better shape than expected, leaving room for some well-targeted tax cuts.

“Despite all the spin about how higher inflation and interest payments have reduced the Chancellor’s wiggle room, borrowing in the year to date is now nearly £20 billion lower than the OBR forecast. This partly reflects the boost to tax revenues from higher prices, wages, and profits.

“This improvement might only be temporary. There was more evidence today that the economy is on the brink of recession, with retail sales and consumer confidence both tumbling. However, this only strengthens the case for a pro-growth budget.”


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