Monetary Policy

Increase interest rates!' voted the IEA's Shadow Monetary Policy Committee (a group of leading economists that meets to monitor monetary policy and comment on other monetary matters) at its July meeting.

The SMPC voted overwhelmingly to increase base rates by 0.25% expressing a view that the tightening of monetary policy by … Continue reading “SMPC Votes to Raise Interest Rates”

Serious constitutional, political and practical issues will have to be addressed by the government if it is to implement road pricing in practice

“Serious constitutional, political and practical issues will have to be addressed by the government if it is to implement road … Continue reading “Pricing Our Roads – The Major Constitutional and Political Issues”
Monetary Policy

For Immediate Release. The IEA's Shadow Monetary Policy Committee (a group of leading economists that meets to monitor monetary policy and comment on other monetary matters) voted to increase interest rates at its April meeting.

A number of members believed that a 0.5% immediate increase was warranted because of the strength of the housing market … Continue reading “SMPC Votes to Raise Interest Rates”