Energy and Environment

IEA releases report on innovation in agriculture

Britain’s agricultural productivity has stagnated at a time when the world needs to double food production to keep up with … Continue reading “UK must embrace innovation to make farming economically & environmentally viable”
Labour Market

IEA reacts to the Autumn Budget Announcements 2018

Commenting on the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s Autumn Budget announcements, the IEA’s Director General Mark Littlewood said: “From education to … Continue reading “Fiddly Budget has abandoned deficit elimination & leaves tax burden at near 50 year high”
Housing and Planning

IEA announces winner of the Richard Koch Breakthrough Prize

Ben Clements, an analyst based in London, will tonight be announced as the winner of the £50,000 IEA Breakthrough Prize. … Continue reading “£50,000 IEA Breakthrough Prize awarded to entry calling for public land to be freed up for housing”