Labour Market

Julian Jessop writes for City AM

In normal times, cash payments regardless of individual need would be too expensive, poorly targeted, and distortionary, says IEA Economics … Continue reading “UBI-style cash payments for individuals would “go some way” to helping households stay afloat”
Tax and Fiscal Policy

Julian Jessop quoted by The Times

Commenting on the likely economic impact of coronavirus, IEA Economics Fellow Julian Jessop predicts that the contraction in the UK … Continue reading “Economic downturn “will be like a handbrake turn, rather than a slow-motion car crash””
Tax and Fiscal Policy

IEA quoted in The Sunday Times

Responding to the Chancellor’s plans to increase public spending and borrowing, the IEA’s Director General Mark Littlewood warned that the … Continue reading “Chancellor “seems to think the only best way to boost growth is through public spending””