Housing and Planning

NIMBY’s should not be allowed to stop urgent planning reform

Dr Kristian Niemietz writes for CapX

IEA Head of Political Economy Dr Kristian Niemietz has welcomed attempts by the government to tackle Britain’s housing crisis, but warns “I have heard this too many times to believe a word of it“.

In an article for CapX, Kristian argued that the government must enact planning reform, despite inevitable  ‘Not In My Back Yard’ (NIMBY) opposition.

Kristian said: “The problem with all these attempts at “radical shake-ups” is that politicians keep hoping they could somehow reform the system without waking up the most powerful electoral force in Britain: NIMBYism. This is not how it works. If you want to solve Britain’s housing crisis, you have to be prepared to take on the NIMBYs…

Read the full article here.

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