Energy and Environment

NIMBYism should not undermine Britain’s quest for higher energy supply

Andy Mayer quoted in City AM

IEA Energy Analyst Andy Mayer has been quoted in City AM calling on the government to liberalise planning regulations around onshore wind farms.

Andy lamented Britain’s ‘NIMBY premium’, which prevents developers expanding our energy supply:

“There are sensible debates to have about wind power, including who pays the cost of back-up and connections. But appeasing noisy protesters with objections that amount to ‘don’t like it, not here’, isn’t wise.”

Andy also questioned the government’s rhetoric promising to tackle climate change and the energy crisis, saying:

“Issues that cost general elections, rather than individual seats, and makes a nonsense of the Government’s many claims to being leading on tackling both climate change and the energy crisis.”

The full article can be read here.

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