
NHS Reform: Lessons from Down Under


In the Media

IEA research quoted in Interactive Investor

In the Media

Christopher Snowdon writes for CapX

Matthew Lesh writes for The Telegraph

IEA Director of Public Policy and Communications Matthew Lesh has written for The Daily Telegraph criticising reverence for the NHS and pointing to Australia’s system as inspiration for reform.

Matthew wrote:

“When I meet a fellow Aussie in London, our conversation inevitably turns to the most astonishing facet of life in Old Blighty.No, it’s not England’s awful weather or cricket team. We don’t even complain about the (much-improved) coffee and food these days. The most ire is reserved for Brits’ unhinged national obsession with the NHS.

“Australians in Britain do not suffer under these illusions. We have experienced healthcare that is respected yet not deified. A system that costs less for taxpayers and individuals yet delivers better outcomes. One that has shorter waiting lists, more treatments available and embraces patient choice. We even come from a country where using private healthcare is not seen as sinful or a betrayal. 

“Hopefully, the new Health Secretary, who has praised foreign healthcare systems, will prove far more inquisitive about how they operate before ruling out any more ideas.”

Read Matthew’s full piece here.

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