
NHS fails patients and workers



Prof. Len Shackleton quoted in The Mail


Julian Jessop writes in The Express

Christopher Snowdon appears on GB News

IEA Head of Lifestyle Economics Christopher Snowdon has appeared on GB News to argue that worsening healthcare outcomes and increasing disputes over pay are the product of the centralised, uncompetitive system.

Christopher said:

“There’s a lack of competition on the healthcare markets. You have this enormous state-owned, state-run leviathan, and these things tend to be pretty inefficient.

“Why are [healthcare workers] not being paid as much as they were 15 years ago, even though, in real terms, the NHS budget has increased enormously? It does seem that there is an enormous amount of waste in the system.

“It’s very inefficient because they don’t have the incentive to provide the service efficiently…what alternative do patients have? What realistic choice to patients have when the state owns the entire thing?”

Watch Christopher’s full appearance here (11:44).

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