Lifestyle Economics

New vape crackdown would risk increasing tobacco harms


Christopher Snowdon quoted in The Times

Fraud Focus: Is the Is the Serious Fraud Office fit for purpose? by James Forder
Government and Institutions

James Forder writes in City AM

Christopher Snowdon appears on talkTV

IEA Head of Lifestyle Economics Christopher Snowdon has appeared on talkTV to discuss proposals to outlaw certain vapes because of their potential appeal to children.

Christopher said:

“[Vaping is] at least 95 per cent less dangerous than cigarettes. The reason they compare them to cigarettes is that most people who use them are smokers or ex-smokers.

“They’re not recommended for children – their sale has been banned to children for the last eight years and I think enforcing that ban would be more sensible than starting to ban different categories of e-cigarettes.

“There have been concerns about the ‘gateway effect’, but they’ve really been shown to be unfounded. The smoking rate among kids is incredibly low – only one per cent of secondary school children are regular smokers and nine per cent regular vapers. Ten years ago, about 4 per cent were smokers.”

Watch Christopher’s full appearance here (2:36:13).

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