Lifestyle Economics

New restrictions in Scotland “scapegoat” pub industry

Contact: Emily Carver, Media Manager, 07715 942731

Responding to the Scottish Government’s proposed new lockdown measures, including plans to close pubs and bars and ban alcohol in cafes and restaurants for 16 days, Christopher Snowdon, IEA Head of Lifestyle Economics, said:

“The pub industry is once again being made the scapegoat despite only 5% of COVID-19 transmissions taking place in hospitality venues. The additional ban on drinking in restaurants suggests an element of temperance fervour from the Scottish government. Pubs, restaurants and the many jobs that depend on them are now hanging by a thread.

“Hospitalisations for COVID-19 in Scotland are currently at a tenth of the level seen in April. If that is all it takes for the government to bring social life to a standstill, we are facing an unprecedented winter of bankruptcies.”


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