
New regulator risks sabotaging English football


In the Media

Prof. Len Shackleton quoted in BBC Sport

In the Media

Mark Littlewood appears on GB News

Prof. Len Shackleton writes in CapX

IEA Editorial and Research Fellow Professor Len Shackleton has written in CapX criticising plans to implement an independent regulator for football.

Len wrote:

“The Government has previously said that regulation should only be imposed on an industry if it is necessary and proportionate. We would normally regulate an industry if there was evidence of misuse of market power or substantial external costs imposed on society. Neither is the case in relation to football.

“English football is a global leader. It has the richest and most successful club competition at the elite level, watched by hundreds of millions worldwide.

“And here comes the Government, which often seems incapable of carrying out core functions such as defence and policing, or delivering good quality health and education. It’s going to interfere with sporting property rights, impose a crippling bureaucracy, complete with the usual box-ticking woke demands, allow arbitrary redistribution, restrict competition and hamper new entrants.”

Read Len’s full article here.

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